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Selo postal da Bolívia de 1975 LAB-EmblemImagem do selo postal anunciado

1975 - LAB-Emblem

Série Lloyd Aereo Boliviano, 50th Anniv. - LAB-Emblem
Lloyd Aéreo Boliviano S.A.M. ( internationally known as LAB Airlines), was the flag carrier and principal airline of Bolivia from 1925 until it ceased operations in 2010 Founded in September 1925, it was the second oldest airline in South America after Avianca and one of the oldest airlines in the world.
R$ 2,54
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Selo postal Correio Aéreo CIRCULADO

Emissão: 15.09.1975

Catálogo: Mi BO 889 / Yt BO PA334

Medidas: 24 x 32

Impressão: Offset

Tiragem: 300.000

Valor facial: 1 b$